星期日, 6月 17, 2007

[電玩] Wii Legend of Zelda Opening - 薩爾達傳說 曙光公主 開場

話說二零零六年最受注目, 直到二零零七年至今最搶手的家庭電視遊樂器, 可算是任天堂公司出品的 - Wii.

而連同Wii一同推出的全力主打遊戲, 最注目的可以算是其獨家名作, Legend of Zelda The Twilight Princess - 薩爾達傳說 之 曙光公主 (這是官方譯名嗎?)

本來早就想寫這篇, 但想不到台灣版的Wii一直只聞樓梯響. 起初盛傳農曆新年會推出, 後來三月/四月/五月都過去了, 一直都沒甚麼消息, 一眾機迷都心淡了. 不太想刺激各位, 所以一直放著. (明明就懶, 還怪別人...)

這段影片是遊戲從開始到第一次可以存檔的時候, 大約是十分鐘的遊戲時間. 當中跳過了一些平常玩角式扮演遊戲(RPG)時會做的事情, 重度收集情報. 不過就是讓各位淺嘗一下遊戲的內容, 下一次再放一些遊戲片段(或攻略?)吧?

- 食記還是不好連續寫, 所以中間加插這個.
- 就三天沒更新, 想不到人流直插谷底. 趕快推一下高流量產品.
- 再不成就寫金曲和星光.
- 好久沒玩Wii.
- 積下Mii教學文一篇, 還沒寫呢.
- 今天MSN, 與君一席話, 勝讀十年書.

13 則留言:

  1. 有這麼欠人氣嗎?

  2. tang: 人數掉到雙位數耶~ 還不算少?!
    才55次刷新頁面. (旁邊的部落格觀察寫著的不是人次, 所以並沒有四萬人來訪過啊~)

  3. 還好啦。

  4. tang: 妳都不宣傳, 在我家留言從來都只打名字不留網址. 有人看到想連過去也不成. (謎:在你家留言沒有宣傳效用啊~)

    加上搬新家, 我也不過去了三次左右.

  5. 我的網站沒啥內容,不宣傳也罷~

  6. tang: 我想, 大家都跟我一樣, 忘記了去改rss. 剛剛改好了. 也看了妳的"新"文章, 但公司不能留言(不明原因).

  7. Hi Canchi,

    "Discovered" your blog through Marz. Very interesting indeed!!

    I would like to get some advice from you regarding Wii. Do you know anyone that had their Wii modified? We are thinking about doing it.... but I heard some ppl saying that might screw the machine that it might not work at all..... :( That sounds scary!!!

    Pls advise. Thanks!! :)

  8. Redideal: I just heard from a friend that if you modify you Wii, when you play Mario Party 8, the system will ask you to update. but if you DO update, it will stopped the Wii from playing any game, illegal or not.
    so I guess I won't modify my system, or I will get a second one for my japanese games. =_=

  9. Hi Canchi,

    Thanks for your prompt reply!! I really appreciate it. I wish I could type Chinese. That would be a lot of fun!! >_<

    I'm still trying hard to convince my hubby not to take it to Pacific Mall this Friday to mod the Wii. I think it's a gonna be a baaaaaad decision!! What if they ruin my machine & I can't play bowling again????? I'm still trying hard to get to the pro level!! :(

    Do you know what's the update for? It's not easy to convince the other half to stop doing certain things...... (that's the nice thing about singlehood!!) Arrgggg!

  10. Redideal: don't let anyone know that i'm replying most of the reply while i'm at work. hehehe...

    well, just tell him, don't do it now as if anything fails, you can't get a replacement Wii yet. (well...not easy or cheap...)

    but I checked out and read some more info online...

    if you mod your Wii, just make sure you don't update the machine using the files from the GAME itself.
    As long as you update the system using the internet download, it should be fine.

    the reason behind this was that if you play some Japanese game, namely the Mario series (Paper Mario, Mario Soccer, Mario Party 8), the system usually needs an update before it can play, but since the update in the GAME is japanese, it will ruin the US system.

    so just play safe, ask a few more question...everything should be fine~

  11. Awesome!! I can sleep tonight!!

    Still trying hard to get to the Pro level on Bowling.... Ai ya!!

  12. Oops! How rude! I forgot to express my gratitude!! Thank you Thank you!! Thank you for your help!!


  13. redideal: I guess you just need to play more...getting to Pro level isn't too hard...
    I haven't play Wii Sports for a long time...I need more training and hope to get a 300 score at Bowling.

    No No, it's ok.


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