哈哈. 其實要說的是, 因為一點網絡上的人際關係問題, 不能寫參加"超人豬"所舉辦的我最喜愛網誌的大串聯. 在此特別說一聲: 抱歉.
另外, 就是在朋友的blog看到這個到處留言的新網誌聯播網站: http://www.mix-blog.com/
是一個據稱為: "兩岸三地〔中國、香港、台灣〕及全球華人博客聯播亞洲區總站"
大家有興趣可以一看. 還可以, 大概是因為初起步吧? 給點時間和改進, 應該可以做的更好.
還有就是看了一下香港網絡大典, 發現我這個身在加拿大多倫多的香港人, 對香港網絡所發生的大事還真是一無所知. 當中的"港女"部份, 很值得女仕們(男仕也該)看一下, 並點到一些連結詳細的了解一下這可怕的現況. 不過因為是香港本地的網絡製作, 而且是帶有極重的惡搞成分, 所以當中有粗言穢語, 以及粵語口語化的情況非常嚴重. 請閣下觀看時留意~

圖片取自香港網絡大典, 港女一文中的附圖. 不知怎的, 第一眼看到, 我覺得是台灣知名的綜藝節目主持人吳X憲帶上假髮的樣子.
最後, 就是希望各位留下您的姓名, 網誌網址, 還有留言啊! 好讓在下更新一下網址連結, 以便在下經常拜訪啊~
- 化名也可, 您要留電話也OK. 話說本網誌最多留言回覆的一篇, 是一篇故意的討戰文, 一共三十六個留言. 差不多有一半是我回應留言的回應.
- 雖然很多名人的網誌我都有在看, 但也不是每一位的連結我都有展示出來. 訪客當中, 也有不少是我不知道的新朋友啊~
tang: 怎麼妳著眼的重點在揭秘?!
是風頭火勢, 不能說啦~
回覆刪除cyber runner: 噢? 是嗎? 別客氣.
丸: 對, 看後會發現, 港女很可笑. 也很可悲.
回覆刪除"港女很可笑. 也很可悲...."
回覆刪除It is so true.... and yet the scenario should not be confined to the ladies in HK. You can also see it in Toronto. My local single male co-workers always complain about the women (in Toronto) are overly materialistic. This is what they told me. On the first date, they will try to get as much info as possible, regarding your financial status, career, living area, family background...... All in all, they just want to find out if you have money, period. If they can pass their "primary screening" and lucky enough to have a second date, they always want to go to some fancy restaurants & clubs like Rain, Kultura, Aqua. The girls always expect them to pay for the bills and other expenses throughout the evening. Eventually, they will hint to them that they like the Coach bags, Lululemon stuffs, LV, Gucci..... go figure. My co-workers find a lot of them are very very high-maintenance, regardless of the race - white, black, asian, mullato - they're all the same.
I hope the boys in HK somehow someday would realize that it's not just "港女". This could be a universal episode. I wouldn't say "This IS a universal episode" as I don't know how it is out there in other parts of the world, such as Taiwan, England, Europe. Maybe your readers from other places can give more insights.
redideal: the T.O. girls on first date, will look at what car you drive to pick them up. YES, you HAVE to pick them up.
回覆刪除true, it's an international crisis. (Crisis?! ha~)
but don't expect alot of feedback, this place doesn't have that many people visit. (I think)
但是, 男生邀請或是約會女生, 飯錢是必然的支出. 有投資才有回報嘛. 但去到買東西的關係, 就要看情況囉~
Oh yes! I forgot to mention cars. My friend said if it's not a flashy sports car, then forget it or only expext them to call you late Friday evening if their "targets" stood up on them. They said that if one drives a Mecedes or Lexus sports car, the girls would swarmed to you even he has the face of an orc.
回覆刪除It's rather sad that ppl has become so superficial......
My apology. I mean Mulatto. It refers to ppl who are born of mixed parents, usually one white & one black or have heritage of a bit of each down the bloodline. Some ppl take this word quite seriously. They think it's offensive. I should have been more careful with it. I don't mean anything rude. :)
Have a great weekend!!
redideal: Mercedes-Benz, well, I used to drove one. as one of my friend used to call his own MB a "窮人BENZ", cuz it's really not that expensive to own one.
回覆刪除mulatto? ok. I just don't know what that word means. I really don't care and I don't think anyone would jump in here and go "crazy". :P
都唔知你係咪男人←我的媽呀 超經典...
不過 那張圖裡說的"特質"
呵呵 台灣女孩子也很多
Cody: 那些例子真可怕. :p
回覆刪除特質嘛, 我想是現代的"奇"女子都必有的. 不單止亞洲女性.
抗議! 抗議!! 我要抗議!!!
回覆刪除不是抗議那篇該寫的為何不寫了 XD
先暴力鎮壓再說! :P
回覆刪除阿餅: 哈哈~ 那妳是要當惡女嗎? 一上來就是抗議...
(無奈地)誰叫除了惡女當道, 還有自虐男過剩呢~ 一切都是惡性偱環.
男人不壞, 女人不愛. 當沒有好男人了, 女人就怨紳士風度已死, 然後就只好往錢看. 這樣下去, 沒有好結果...