星期二, 9月 25, 2007

[攝影] 飛機啊飛機~

真不怕羞, 這樣子的照片也敢歸類為[攝影].

美國空軍MISSISSIPPI 運輸機(??) 機尾

旁邊看. 可惜被這架小飛機擋著了.

這小飛機是在剛過去的八月份的時候, 在CNE(Canadian National Exhibition, 加拿大國際展覽會?)當中負責表演的SnowBird.

最後, 有誰可以告訴我這架戰機是那一型的? 它泊在我工作的地方外面, 真是打到來我都不知道啊~

- 原來有拍照, 要混一篇文是這麼容易的. :P
- 以下這圖湊不成文, 只好在這一起混.

這是烤雞胸, 買回來洗一洗, 加鹽加黑胡椒粉, 放進烤箱用三百五十度烤個三十五分鐘左右. 看到有烤焦了的? 那是因為想要脆皮, 所以加了點糖, 然後用猛火多烤了一會, 卻忘了...
- 烤焗比水煮好吃多了.
- 飛機, 飛雞...

8 則留言:

  1. 好像是F22。新型的隱形戰機

  2. how: 是吧? :p
    我都不知道是啥, 也沒有走近去看看.

  3. F22. It was at the airshow too. (but I missed it.)

    I actually got some good snowbird air show pics that I haven't get around to put online.

    You took picture of top US military secret, watch out of FBI at your door. :P

  4. SP: so it's F22.
    by 2009, I think they will be online...right?
    they park it at public space.
    and no FBI la...probably homeland security? :P
    canada has no place to report things like that...right? even if we are under attack? (yeah right, like who's gonna hit canada.)

    don't tell, you have to keep me around till December. :P

  5. 這篇文章

  6. Canada has oil and fresh water. It's very important resource... so you never know. :P

  7. sp: Oh crap. how can I forget about the OIL we have.
    and now we are close to 1:1 on currency, we are doomed, they might just bomb us and +1 to the 50 states (or 51?)


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